50 years and sustainable development

We complete one year of the YES model and are very happy to see the ‘yes we can’ spirit that has gained momentum over the years. YES (youth engaging society) is the only way ahead for the Award in India, and this has been amply demonstrated by our commitment to our Special Projects mission, which is an innovative one and more so a unique India centric approach.

Towards sustainable development

You often ask us, why we charge a License Fee and a participation fee, we think it is best to share how The Award Programme Foundation trust has been working towards sustainable development and partnering with the YES Centres to make the Award available to one and all. In the year 2011, The Award Programme Foundation spent over Rs.80,00000.00 (rupees eighty lacs) in training and development to make the Award available to all. 

We are indeed grateful to our YES Centres (now 40 in number, spread all over India), for not only partnering with voluntary work, but also for helping with resources to make our goal of sustainable development a reality. We hope to influence the 60 plus schools who have a valid Operator License and run the Programme at school level, to renew and join the YES movement. There is still more work ahead, with near 300 schools who have historically been operating the Programme, we need them to work with us to build the model one Award in India.

The aim of the Indian Special Projects is to harness the potential of disadvantaged youth within the activities of The Award Programme and to encourage these young people to grow with their own strength. The Award Programme aims to act as a catalyst to encourage independence, inter-dependence and self-help among socially isolated and vulnerable youth. In this task the Indian Award was assisted by a supporting grant from the International Special Projects and contributions from business and the society at large.

More than 3000 young people have participated in the Indian Special Projects programme on an equal footing. The programme is extremely popular with young people of both sexes and at times it is difficult to cope with their enthusiasm to join the Award Programme in all its activities. With fresh investments and partnerships with business, we are making the Award all inclusive, helping equip for life young people from all walks of life. We welcome volunteers, Gold Holders and organizations to work with us, we offer training and resources from the Indian Special Projects fund.

The impact of the Special Projects is visible, and our participants have very often found their livelihoods and true place in the community.

“The Award gave me the confidence to try different skills and introduced me to Karate, my skill to earn my livelihood”- Sudhir Yadav, Salaam Balak Trust

"For a blind person like me, the Award showed the path to success lies in perseverance and motivation"- Sujan Bose, The Ram Krishna Mission Blind Boys Academy

"Being from a middle class family where the ultimate fate of a girl is to get married, I always thought different. I wanted to be self-reliant and do something valuable. Doing the Award levels of Bronze and Silver and now Gold have made me realise my strengths, taught me to take up challenges, to shoulder responsibilities, to lead a disciplined life and to run my dreams to reality." Dolly Jha- Sri Sarada Math

"The Award gave me the confidence to stand up against early marriage of girls, focus on my studies, and gain skills I will use my entire life. Most importantly, today I can be a leader in my community and help other girls to take a stand against child marriage, girlsʼ education and more." Radha- Olcott Memorial School

Please support our mission www.iayp.in