•Help build patriotic sentiment in youth
•Resolve problems
•Advocate issues / champion causes
•Offer the youth a voice
•Youth involvement
•Human capital development
•Agency for change
•Enabler of Youth learning
•Platform for training and development
IAYP is the most adaptable and successful youth empowerment program. We have no religious, political or strategic affiliations. We have an established capacity for identifying hard issues and challenges associated with youth. Our framework is used by schools, youth organisations, community groups, correctional services, employers and government departments nationwide. Around the world, over 130 countries use this model for positive youth empowerment.
Our vision is to equip for life all young Indians and to help achieve their full potential, through access and participation in The Award Program. We see the possibility of a nation where every school offers young Indian the opportunity to be rewarded for challenging themselves, rewarded for engaging with adult mentors, rewarded when finishing school, and rewarded for giving back to their communities. We are a high-performing and responsive organisation that already rewards our participants for these things. We help connect young Indians with new opportunities to change their world.