Fun the key to learning

In our penchant for structure and uniform delivery, we adults often miss out the fun element in learning. To keep youth engaged the key is to ensure that they have a rollicking time and are challenged to perform. There is the pressing need for adults to mentor with the most positive attitude.

Outward bound experiences help the young learn more effectively; nature's classroom offers real time learning, be it chemistry, geography, physics, biology...look out and we will find we live it all in our daily lives. Today, the educational process and many curriculum use open learning and experiential methods to deliver the needs of school or college education. There is the pressing need for adults to find that spark which will ignite the mind of their pupil. Once we find this learning becomes fun.

When we shoot a soccer ball; mathematics, physics, kinesthetic...and many more subjects and physical principles are exhibited. An adult needs to find the use of theoretical knowledge in everyday life and then only The young will find the need for knowledge and the education process more appropriate for daily living.

Out serving the community; life skills of other communities  and understanding the needs of others makes education more meaningful. When we interact with different communities we not only become better human beings, but are exposed to history and practices refined over thousands of years. This itself makes learning more enjoyable.

Follow your heart, make the most of the skills you imbibe and have fun!