CSR Report Card: Where Companies Stand

Forbes India Magazine - CSR Report Card: Where Companies Stand:

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What can’t be measured, can’t be improved. That was the spirit behind our effort to gather data on how much listed firms are spending on CSR currently. It turned out to be one of the most difficult exercises we have undertaken. Despite reaching out to them individually, we realised that there are many, even among the top 100 firms by revenue, who don’t report their CSR spends or even declare the social causes they support. That’s because they aren’t required to do so by law. But all that will change when the new Companies Bill (which has already been passed by the Lok Sabha) becomes a law, possibly by the end of the year. The data pack, compiled by CSRidentity.com, together with Forbes India, is revealing enough, as it tells you how much each company will have to fork out on CSR, once they are bound by law.

Read more: http://forbesindia.com/article/real-issue/csr-report-card-where-companies-stand/34893/1#ixzz2TiBT6M4V