Creativity and Infinity Mind

Paintings by Charlotte Henry
Creativity and Infinity mind turns everything into beauty. Equations of Einstein, Dirac,  Schroedinger are so beautiful that they ravish scientific mathematical  minds. The poetry of  the Ocean is the most beautiful there has ever been and it comes from a hissing in the mind that others listening to Doctors and Psychiatrists think is the curse of tinitus. It comes from the Mysteries-they thought they were changing humans into Gods.

Artistic Architects put up monuments, buildings and viaducts to the glory of humanity. Engineers of genius must design instruments, cars, planes so they are as beautiful as poems. The real religion comes from mystic poetry, not understandable by our church leaders who are image blind (mutukallimun-people of words).

Already flowers are bred for their beauty and scent but have far to go. Jewels of the sea in fish and coral have achieved little to enhance aquariums. And what of birds- bea eaters, hummingbirds, birds of paradise and butterflies? Above all is the need for vast improvements of our creative infinity brains.

The very rich with their verbalized uncreative brains live a squalid life of luxury, no better than ordinary verbalizers.

- The Creative Wisdom of Tahasa Falconar

1 comment:

Sandeep Dutt said...

Dear Sandeep,

One of your groups contacted me- the Plumbers of India, you might send my best, and tell them that the US plumbers had Einstein as a member!
Beauty is the Elixir of Life and the best way of creating beauty comes from creative infinity oceanic mind. The greatest minds in the world have been scientists of Quantum Physics – Einstein, Dirac and Schroedinger are examples. The greatest poets have been writers of oceanic poetry such as Rumi, Y.Suhrawardi, Kabir and Sana i: this being the best way of creating beauty.
Creativity and Infinity mind turn everything into beauty; equations of Einstein and Dirac are so beautiful that scientists’ minds are ravished when they see them. The poetry of the ocean comes from the hissing that others listening to Doctors and Psychiatrists think is the curse of Tinnitus.

Artistic Architects put up monuments, buildings, cenotaphs and viaducts to the glory of humanity. Engineers of genius create instruments, cars, planes designed so they rival poems for beauty. Already flowers are bred for their beauty and scent but have yet far to go. Jewels of the earth adorn our women, small tropical fish and flowers of the sea are yet to be similarly exploited. But above all is the need for vast improvement of our creative infinity brains. The very rich with their verbalised uncreative brains live a squalid life of useless luxury, empty of personal beauty. Christ’s mild reproach that entering the Kingdom of Heaven was impossible for them; mine that their minds are not progressing but remain nearer to the Simian than the Human.

The legacy of the four great religions is a deathless mystic beauty hardly even dreamt of by most humans and their church leaders.
Why was Dirac so unhappy at the end of his life? He had put all his effort into Science and left no time for the beautiful mind and his own creative infinity mind’s promise of lifelong creative rapture. When you pass beyond visualization, great as it is compared to words, and reach the whole creative infinity mind, you discover the worlds of the Kingdom of Heaven, The Gundavyuha of Buddhism and the Advaita Vedanta’s Realms of the Gandharva Kings of Aurobindo’s Savitri.

Message from Ted Falconar